• Question: What is Dimensional Stone?

    Asked by ellz13 to Angus, Christian, Hannah, Laura, Simon on 20 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Simon Holyoake

      Simon Holyoake answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      Dimensional stone is natural stone that is cut and shaped into specific shapes for specific purposes (such as construction, aggregates and ornamental uses)

      it is removed from quarries in a much more delicate manner, often being cut with special diamond tipped saw blades, it is occasionally blasted, but with much weaker explosives than are used in regular quarrying

      Many people believe it is a useful resource for construction as it has many advantages over things like concrete and steel in terms of extraction cost and thermal properties

    • Photo: Christian Maerz

      Christian Maerz answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      Thanks Simon, I actually had no idea…

    • Photo: Laura Roberts Artal

      Laura Roberts Artal answered on 21 Jun 2013:

      I had to look this up, as I didn’t know what a dimensional stone was either! Thanks Simon :)!
