• Question: if you could chose a field of science to work in which one would you chose|?

    Asked by swaggermuffin to Angus, Christian, Hannah, Laura, Simon on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Laura Roberts Artal

      Laura Roberts Artal answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      If I’d not chosen to become a geologist, I would have seriously considered a job that meant I could work closely with animals, as I find them really interesting, so maybe I wold have studied zoology or biology.

      I chose to become a geologist because rocks tell you the story of the Earth, how it came to be as we know it now and we use information from almost all sciences, biology, chemistry and physics to try and understand how the Earth works.

    • Photo: Angus Ferraro

      Angus Ferraro answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      I study the atmosphere, which I love because it’s so important to us all. From our choice of clothes to how much food we have, it all hinges on what the weather is doing.

      I would like to learn more about ecology though. Obviously both the weather is also important to plants and animals and I’d like to learn more about that!

    • Photo: Christian Maerz

      Christian Maerz answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      I guess I would choose geology again, because it is just the right combination of chemistry, geography, physics, biology plus a lot of space for imagination. I can tell you for sure that I would NOT become a physicist – I am terrible at maths! Languages would be good fun I guess, because you could communicate with many people around the world.

    • Photo: Simon Holyoake

      Simon Holyoake answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Particle physics most likely…. the stuff going on at CERN in Switzerland is pretty impressive and I would deinitely love to be involved in new discoveries which potentially change the way we view the universe!
