• Question: If someone wanted to become a scientist and this person ask you which part of the science is better to follow, and this person love to travel, which part of the science will you say its better to follow..?

    Asked by margit to Simon, Laura, Hannah, Christian, Angus on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Simon Holyoake

      Simon Holyoake answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      I think almost every branch of scientific study can involve travel!!

      Right now Christian is chugging around in the ocean on a research ship!

      I think vulcanology is a good bet, you’d get to travel around visiting volcanos in interesting places all over the world, many of my colleagues in geology and geophysics do a great deal of travel too

    • Photo: Christian Maerz

      Christian Maerz answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Well from my personal perspective, Earth Sciences definitely involve a great amount of travel! But the same is true for certain fields in biology. There are many disciplines where field work is essential. But you should avoid anything that includes the term “theoretical” or “experimental” – this mostly means you’ either sit in front of a computer, or in a lab all the time.

    • Photo: Angus Ferraro

      Angus Ferraro answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      The others are right, you need something which involves a lot of fieldwork. My work is theoretical, which means I spend a lot of time in front of the computer. But even I get to travel abroad every year or so for conferences and meetings.

    • Photo: Laura Roberts Artal

      Laura Roberts Artal answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      I agree with all that the other scientist have said so far.
      Travelling is a great bonus to being a scientist!

    • Photo: Hannah Bentham

      Hannah Bentham answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      Many branches of science require you to travel, but geoscience is the best and most interesting career you can follow (in my opinion). During a geology/geophysics/Earth Science degree you can explore many different types of Earth Sci and specialise with a masters or even a PhD.

      I see job adverts for geo-engineerers all the time so this might a specialty you might want to explore.
