• Question: how many hours do u work

    Asked by ksiolajidebt to Simon, Angus, Hannah, Laura on 14 Jun 2013. This question was also asked by idontlikerainbows.
    • Photo: Simon Holyoake

      Simon Holyoake answered on 14 Jun 2013:

      It depends on what I’m doing, a normal work day for me is 9 hours long as I work 4 days per week (so a total of 36 hours per week)

      however when I’m out in the field, it can be from dawn till dusk! there is usually a lot of work to be done in the field and a general guideline is work while the sun is up!

    • Photo: Angus Ferraro

      Angus Ferraro answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      It varies quite a bit for me. PhD students can work whatever hours they like as long as work gets done. Normally I aim to start work at 9, but I’m usually a bit late ;). I leave work between 5 and 6 most days, so I guess I work pretty regular hours. Sometimes I work long days, sometimes I give up and go home. Last winter, when it snowed, I walked to the Department in the morning only to decide I would much rather be out in the snow, so I took the day off. It’s nice being able to take time off when you want it.
