• Question: How do you now its an old rock

    Asked by fendt to Laura on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Laura Roberts Artal

      Laura Roberts Artal answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      There are two main ways to know how old a rock is:
      1) We can use fossils – rock layers with the same fossils in them must be of the same age (or very similar). Studying the rocks in southern England, geologists in the 18th and 19th Century were able to establish which fossils were younger or older than others.
      2)Once scientist understood about how radioactive minerals decay, they were able to obtain absolute ages of rocks using a technique called radiometric dating. The ratio of parent isotopes (a kind of radioactive material) against the number of daughter isotopes in a rock, tells you how old that rock, or fossil is.
